When you hear someone saying that they left their banking job and started a business and today they’re billionaires, pls, if you do not know yourself, do not try same method.
Post Credit: Nwachinemere Christian Chinonso (NCC)
You will hear most speakers say that they left school and started a business and today they are number 1 top earners, if you do not know yourself, do not venture into such.
That a woman had sex with a random stranger and got married to him, they’re rich and living the life doesn’t mean that you should have sex with a random person.
Your colleague at work resigned and moved to the U.S and everyday he tells you, bro, come over, resign and come over, that it favoured him doesn’t mean it will favour you.
Every market is not for you. Every blessing is not your blessing. Every motivation is not yours to tap from. Go and study yourself and find what works for you!
Every successful person you see today, sat down and studied their destiny. They knew what they wanted, they followed it, they remained consistent in it, they failed many times in it, they never gave up and they exceled in it!
You have not studied yourself. You have not studied your destiny. You have not mastered your skills but you’ll see people doing something and making then you join them. By the time you join, you start complaining it is hard, it is difficult, you even give up, you enter depression and you end up accusing the successful people of doing jazz.
Please, take out time, sit down, have a lone moment, speak to yourself, go on a self reflection, check what and what works for you, point out the little things you did that paid off and create big things out of it. Even that thing you hate to do, go there and check, it might be where your destiny lies.

9 out of 10 times, we run away from our destiny and copy others. In the process of running away from our destiny, we end up hating it. And when you hate that thing, you will end up getting frustrated, stagnated, depressed and some times spirit of envy creeps in.
Everyone must not be a CEO or a Boss. Most of you if you check well, you’ll make it in life faster as a servant to someone than being a CEO.
Forget social media hype. Forget the big brands, forget the celebrities, forget all these distractions you see and FIRST go on self discovery.
Most times, you copy people and end up dying young. Your own destiny has long life in it but no, because you want to do what others are doing, you end up losing your life. Why? Cos you’re on the wrong track!
Whenever you read this, pls, at night, stay alone in your room or toilet and start your journey of self discovery. If you’re a spiritual person you can fast and pray and ask God to show you who you are.
Remember, it is not all of us that must end up as billionaires. Some of you are destined to be rich, some destined to be comfortable, some destined to be millionaires, some destined to be powerful. What matters is that, whatever category you fall into, there is long life and peace of mind there!.
When you’re done with self discovery, whatever you decide to do, do it without shame. Be proud of it. If you discover selling tomato etc is your destiny, DO IT UNAPOLOGETICALLY! DO IT WITH PRIDE and never forget to turn deaf ears to negative people.
I ask again, WHO ARE YOU?
I hope you find this useful…
Post Credit: Nwachinemere Christian Chinonso (NCC)