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Sunday Rants by Val #73

#Sunday Rants…
• The way this weather is hot these days eerh. I won’t be surprised if fowl start laying boiled eggs.🌚
• After all this heat in Nigeria, Church still sing “God of Elijah send down fire…” Who did we offend in this country?😒😫
• You borrowed my gas cooker to boil water, now I’m perceiving beans.
Neighbor why?😭
• I told my son he would marry a girl I choose”… He said NO!
I told him the person is Obama’s daughter … He said YES
I called Obama to let him know that “my son will marry his
daughter” – He said No
I told Obama, my son is the CEO of world bank. He said YES
I called the president of world bank and told him to make my
son the CEO. He said NO
I told him that my son is Obama’s son- in- law . He said
#Sense will not kill me😌
• Imagine you’re toasting a girl in a wedding and your mummy come to you and say “Put this rice for nylon na your 9yt food be that.”🙆🏾‍♂😹
• Nawa o…
So all this beautiful girls in this world
I will just marry only One🙄🤔
• Yesterday I found out not everyone inside bank came to deposit some just came to receive AC😅
• Never leave a guy who gives you 10k for the one who gives you 50k date both of them so that you will hv 60k😎
 ladies am I communicating?
Who slapped me?😫
• Nigerian parents will advice you for 5 hours and still tell you “I don’t have much to
• Most of you are calling it SUB Bcos you can’t spell common SUBSCREAMSION
nawa for Una o🌚😂
• I miss you” “I miss you too” is the national anthem for long distance relationship.
“I wish you’re here” is the chorus.😎😅
• Don’t be a boring wife, sometimes joke with him by telling him the kids are not his own.🌚
#Happy Sunday

• Exclusive featuring HARRIET

NZD: Let’s know you
Harriet: My name is Eluma Harriet,400l law, a native of Mgbidi in Imo state. I’m from a family of 6 and I’m the last born & a twin.

NZD: Hobbies?
Harriet: My hobbies are Eating,sleeping & traveling.(being sincere 😅)

NZD: Your role models?
Harriet: Don’t really have any role model but I admire some people like Beyoncé,Michelle Obama & Bella Disu.

NZD: Have you broken someone’s heart before?
Harriet: I don’t think so 🤔

NZD: What would you like to receive as a birthday gift?
Harriet: I don’t know, I just like surprises

NZD: What do you like/hate about Nigeria?
Harriet: I like the fact that Nigerians own their origin and I hate the fact that Nigerian Economy is backdropped

NZD: Shoutouts to?
Harriet: To my family & friends who always believe in me no matter what.

NZD: What qualities should your Mr.Right possess?
Harriet: I don’t really know but he must certainly be smart and not short😅

NZD: Craziest thing a guy has told you?
Harriet: On our first meeting,he said he wants to marry me

NZD: Samsung s20 or iPhone 11?
Harriet: Iphone all the way

NZD: Your opinion on “women entrepreneurship”
Harriet: I honestly encourage women entrepreneurship because we really need to be independent & afford ourselves

NZD: A lot of female students not happy with the hostel menace this year,what do you’ve to say about it?
Harriet: The problem is there are more students than the available bed space & also until more hostels are built,the problems would still continue.

NZD: Any say on how to curb female marginalization in UNEC
Harriet: In the world generally, females are being marginalized so here in Unec we need to support each other & build ourselves.

NZD: What do you do aside academics
Harriet: I get involved in school politics outside my academics

NZD: There’s a popular notion in UNEC that “Law students are very proud people” …what’s your say on that and your reason
Harriet: Until you come close,it’s still a presumption so I don’t think it’s true. Tho they like to keep to their space,I believe if you become friends with them,they will be nice to you. 

NZD: Any word for aspiring guys thinking about shooting-their-shot on you?
Harriet: Shooting is free😅. Come shoot that shot,you never know

NZD: Your favorite country destination?
Harriet: Hawaii

NZD:You declared interest a year ago, what drived you? How come you are back again? (Oprah_Dee)
Harriet: I declared my interest a year ago & I’m still pursuing it because I believe if you have something good for your people,you don’t let go easily. Plus I have a strong passion to serve & proffer solutions to the welfare of the students

• Video created by Law 024′ set 
(from first to last)

(Chidiebere- Dr strange,
Ekene- Ironman,
Kingboy- Spider Man 
????- Hulk
Nonso- Thor 
????- Black panther)
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Written by Nzdworld

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