The new X-Men movie is titled “The New Mutants” scheduled to release on April 3,2020. The film will be the franchise’s first straight-up horror film, and it looks as though the story will primarily take place within the confines of a dilapidated hospital.
It will also be the thirteenth and final installment of the X-Men film series. The film was directed by Josh Boone from a screenplay by himself and Knate Lee. Alice Braga portrays a doctor in the facility.
Story about young mutants who don’t have full control over their abilities yet and are considered a danger to themselves and others.
“The New Mutants” is the upcoming American horror film in the superhero genre about 5 young mutants(Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Blu Hunt and Henry Zaga)
just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will,fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
Xmen and Marvel 😎😎