When he received one of his awards recently, Ronaldo dedicated it to a certain … Alberto Fantrau. Then said: “Yes I am a great footballer and all my success is due to my friend Alberto with a good heart”
People looked at one another and said, “Who is this Mr. Fantrau?”
Then Ronaldo went on: “We played together in a youth team. When Sporting of Lisbon recruiters came to observe us, they told us that the striker who scored the most goals will be recruited into the sports academy.
That day we won 3-0. I scored the first goal and then Albert scored the 2nd with the head. And then the 3rd goal was the one that impressed everyone. Alberto started from the wing, then found himself face to face with the keeper, dribbled the goalkeeper and all he had to do was to push the ball into the empty goal post . In the meantime I was running to his side and instead of shooting into the empty goal post, Alberto decided to pass the ball to me and I scored. This is how I found myself at the Sporting Lisbon Academy. After the game I went to him, and asked him “why did you do that?”
And he replied, “Because I know that you are better than I am and You will go far in life. In this game you needed that push”
Curious to know more, the journalists began to investigate and were able to meet this Alberto Fantrau to ask him if the story told by Ronaldo is true, and he confirmed it, adding that his career as a footballer ended after that match as it was the only opportunity to become professional but i was sure Ronaldo would go far and do better. So I remained unemployed fulfilled and happy.
However, journalists, observing his luxurious house and his fleet of cars parked in the garage asked Alberto “but being unemployed how could you have such a house and cars and living so luxuriously? You seem rather comfortable physically ” Alberto’s answer: “All that? .. is Ronaldo ”
Moral of the story:
Let’s ask ourselves the following question: How many of us have ever done something like Ronaldo and Alberto? On the contrary, many of us show the opposite of this story displaying selfishness and ingratitude.
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