Poetry Friday line 25: Silver Rhyme
My country is fifty eight years
Still, too immature to be independent
The older we grow;
The more ignorant we become.
Our trained law makers travel abroad
And bring back foreign imported laws
The laws they cannot even give interpretation
And this is the origin of our problems
Our leaders were never taught
But are coming to teach,
So funny, teaching the things they never learnt
We are too ignorant to be independent
Our uniform people know nothing about their profession
If you see and want to correct them;
They reply with “Oga, this is Nigeria.”
See, we are just too ignorant to be independent.
The excess resources are running us mad
Mismanagement is habitual not a mistake
We furnish outside and sleep in dungeon
I’m saying we are too immature to rule ourselves
We are desperate to make new laws
Even when the old ones are yet to be implemented
So we have contradicted laws over all the pages of our constitution
We are old but too young to be independent
Patriotism is a very forceful message here
But hey, you don’t force me to love
Neither can you force me to share in your limitation
Our brains are too fragile to think big for ourselves
The Congress also is more confused
They know not their lefts from their rights
They are directed by the wind
We have not enough stamina to stand on our own
The country itself is tiring
None can differentiate the sheep from the goats
They are all colourlessly mixed up
I repeat, we are too ignorant to be independent!
-Ikise Atabang.
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