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QUESTION and ANSWER #2: featuring Santi and Cynthia

Question and Answer segment featuring Santi and Cynthia.

My name is Mgbada innocent. A native of imo state,Mbaise to be precise 😇. A geomatics engineering student and soon to be billionaire! 😂

NZD: Why are you called Santi?
Santi: Well the name was just given to me by some friends and ever since then it became a norm to call me Santi,some has even forgotten my real name to be innocent😂

NZD: Messi or Ronaldo and why?
Santi: Definitely Ronaldo. That guy is a motivation to me, he is the result of “hard work pays too” not just talent.

NZD: Why are you a Manchester United fan?
Santi:  I chose Manchester united since I was a kid because I loved their football style and the stars they had plus they had Ronaldo! Also my dad is a Chelsea fan.. Me being his rival whenever we watch Manchester united and Chelsea play together makes me happy, it’s more fun.

NZD: Who was your best character in Money Heist and why?
Santi: My best character in money heist is the professor. I love intelligence.

NZD: Your best 5 ManU players ever?
Santi: Ronaldo, Rooney, Scholes, Carrick and de gea

NZD: If you leave Nigeria,where would you travel to?
Santi: If I’m leaving Nigeria its definitely Canada.. Alot are doing well In the construction field over there.

NZD: Instagram or Twitter and why?
Santi: Twitter most definitely.i love yabs and funny things they do on it.. Besides its a social page that’s also informative!

NZD: Your role model?
Santi: Davido!.. This guy is another guy that shows me how well hard work pays no matter the insult!

NZD: Your hobbies?
Santi:  I love making researches, I love seeing movies, dance(not all the time),football!

NZD: The club you dislike the most? And why?
Santi: : I dislike Chelsea!… Their fans are irritating they like saying shit,they argue like street dogs!

NZD: Any message for NZDworld?
Santi: Nzdworld should keep the good work.. The road to success isn’t easy but when we get there it’d be worth it!

Cynthia: Olua Cynthia Somto.
A crazy girl that hates boring life, a music lover and loves being happy.

NZD: Hobbies
Cynthia: Dance, walk, think, talk, smile, sing😊

NZD: Role models
Cynthia: Benjamin Carson and Bill gate😏😏

NZD: Favorite food
Cynthia: A well cooked food🤤

NZD: What you like/dislike in people
Cynthia: I like when people are real and straightforward and I hate when they accuse me wrongly as well as when they form unnecessarily.

NZD: Your favorite hair
Cynthia: Any nice hair apart from Dread.

NZD: Your favorite color
Cynthia: Well Black is not a color BUT I love it😌

NZD: Where would you like to travel
Cynthia: The States nahhhhhh💃🏻

NZD: What your Mr.Right should be like?
Cynthia: My Mr right should love to workout, be well built😌🤤, should be good looking💃🏻 too.

NZD: If you became a celebrity for one day,what will you do
Cynthia: Well, I’d want people to believe that anyone could be a celebrity, and let people not try to be the next “me” BUT the 1st “them”😌 

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Written by Nzdworld

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