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Into the LIFE of Musician Jovian LAXY

Music sensation Jovian Laxy is pure talent. He’s been making waves since his *For you* song featuring him and Breezy followed by next hit *If I no love u* by Laxy X Kizzy.

Nzdworld caught up with him and we drafted a brief interview into his life of music!
NZD: Brief info about you?
LAXY: My name is Ukeje Chinagorom I go by the stage name *LAXY*
Am an undergraduate student of geoinformatic and surveying in UNEC.
I love music and football. I started music since When I was 14 and since then ave been moving up by grace.

NZD: What’s the meaning of *Laxy* and how did you come up with the stage name?
Its actually my name.
Gotten from my middle name “jovian-laxy”
Some call my Jovian, some call me Laxy, buh then I like Laxy more than Jovian so I choose it.
NZD: Brief info about your music,music label?
LAXY: Currently under the passion4music crew label.
I started the crew with my friend kayryss but currently the crew is been managed by kizzy.
So far I have about 6 singles and have been featured in more than 15 songs. 
NZD: What inspires your music?
LAXY: Well, I get inspirations from love. Bcus am a fan of love.
So I pay attention to it a lot and then I get moved to turn my experience to a song.
Like my last song was written bcus she felt I was gonna play with her heart, she was scared of giving me her heart bcus of the fear of me running away or breaking it.
So I had to use a song to tell her that “if I go jonce you my baby o, I for no let you thief my heart o”. Tho sometimes I do songs just for my friends and boom, people like it. 
NZD: What stage do you hope to reach in future?

LAXY: Well I hope to match and surpass the level of davido and WizKid,
Even to me its very funny and crazy buh then this is my dream.
NZD: When’s your next hit dropping?
LAXY: Emmm, my next hit song will drop by May.
NZD: Your role models in the music industry? Musicians you would like to feature with?
LAXY: Davido, wizkid, burna boy and  2face
Well I will like to feature with Peruzzi.
NZD: Places you’ve performed?

LAXY: Have performed at
My bed😂
Donbosco youth centre obosi
University of Nigeria Enugu campus 
King and queen of south east awka.
In UNEC I performed at the beauty pageant and some other departmental shows
My dream is to make money and help a lot of people. 
NZD: Lastly…who do you want to *shout out* to?
LAXY: Yes! I wanna shout out to my parents who are unknowingly sponsoring me
Also to my big boss
I swear this man have helped me a lot 🙏.
Also to GSV 022 class,
Then to my friends and fans, I love you all.
Recap of some of his shows🔥🎥

NZD: its a wrap!
Thanks for your time. @laxy_jovian
Check out Laxy’s YouTube channel 👉 click here
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Written by Nzdworld

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